sábado, 7 de outubro de 2017


Gizele Tavares Born on November 20, 1991, marked by literary destiny, the young simple family warrior wins her own destiny with her unique and enlightened art. The artist began her career at the age of 8, and had her first poem published in a collection book. The girl did not give up, participated in several television programs and published her poems in the main newspapers of the State, earned her name in the city of Recife, was known as Poetinha, derived from poetess. At the age of 11 he published his first independent novel Mystery Beyond Death, with a single edition of 100 books, by a simple graphic of the city. She studied Theater, and gained a recognized title of actress, obtained the respect and admiration of the Master Writer Ariano Suassuna who signed the preface of his two books Moon Stone Floating and Water Rivers (both published in 2012), his first real literary baptism, with the support of the university to which he studied Journalism at UNINASSAU. She entered the Philosophy course at the Federal University, where she excelled as a wirefound researcher, in 2017 published her most recent work the stone of the sun with the preface of her teacher
 university student Maranhão Filho, who calls the writer of Amazon of Verso. With the sigh of the time that runs, is born a minute is a long time, book of poetry published in the English version in the United States, inspired by his father, poet Romildo Tavares. Gizele is a young winner who has achieved professional success very early, and has conquered her space in the world, traveling throughout Europe and USA, acting in music, cinema, fashion and the universe of letters, where the writer's imagination makes each his surname TAVARES but stronger. But it was not only in the world of the arts that the young woman stood out, her beauty and sympathy opened the door to the world, and yet she once shone like Miss Igarassu, winning the most beautiful title representing Brazil in the United States in various contests of beauty, being cover of several magazines, and main model of important American photographers. The one minute book is a long time will take the reader to a state of tremendous reflection on life, it is as if his mind traveled in a parallel universe, leaving the last page for the real use of inner poetry that makes sense to human life. Revel in every 59 seconds of these poems, and transform your life, as Gizele Tavares transformed hers.

USA 2017

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