segunda-feira, 9 de outubro de 2023

Escritora de Sucesso international Gizele Tavares Ao lado de seu primeiro Patrocinador Bilionario da Forbes Janguiê Diniz

 Empresário Janguiê Diniz Recebe das maos da escritora Gizele Tavares o seu novo Livro Forever my Heart, Para sempre em meu coracao  Bestseller on 

Escritora Gizele Tavares ao lado do amigo e Patrocinador dos seus primeiros livros de Poesia Lua Pedra que Flutua e Rios de Agua, Janguiê Diniz ( Billionaire list Forbes)

Author Gizele Tavares alongside the first sponsor of his books, the billionaire on the Forbes list Janguiê Diniz 

Quem vê Janguiê Diniz comandando o maior grupo de educação do Nordeste, o Ser Educacional, não imagina que sua relação com o trabalho começou aos 8 anos de idade, quando ganhou os primeiros trocados como engraxate. Desde então, Diniz não parou de trabalhar – são 49 anos de experiência na rua, na sala de aula ou no escritório.

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Escritora de Sucesso international  Gizele Tavares Ao lado de seu primeiro Patrocinador Bilionário da Forbes Janguiê Diniz

#janguieDiniz #gizeletavares @gettyimages

Natural da Paraíba, José Janguiê Bezerra Diniz se formou em direito pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco e em letras pela Universidade Católica de Pernambuco. O empresário, que apareceu na 143ª posição na lista da Forbes Brasil 2020 com patrimônio estimado em R$ 2,65 bilhões, apostou na educação desde o início, quando abriu seu primeiro negócio em 1994: o Bureau Jurídico, um cursinho preparatório para concursos públicos. Quatro anos depois, Diniz também fundou o BJ Colégio e Curso.

LEIA MAIS: “Um sonho precisa ser seguido por atitudes”, afirma Janguiê Diniz, fundador da Ser Educacional

Principal negócio do empresário, o Ser Educacional nasceu em 2003. Presente na região Norte, Nordeste e Sudeste do país, a instituição atualmente ajuda mais de 152 mil alunos a ingressar no mercado de trabalho. Com o capital aberto na bolsa de valores desde 2013, o grupo registrou R$ 121,53 milhões de lucro líquido só no quarto trimestre de 2020.

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Janguiê Diniz é fundador do Ser Educacional, instituição que ajuda 152 mil alunos a ingressar no mercado de trabalho. (foto Gizele Tavares Escritora ao Lado Janguiê Diniz)

new book best seller Forever My heart Gizele Tavares author, 
Gizele Tavares, born in Recife, Pernambuco, on November 20, 1991, is an American resident in the United States. She is the daughter of Cristina de Melo Costa and Romildo Tavares, and sister of Cibele Tavares.
Her father Romildo Tavares, her biggest influencer, encourages her to walk towards her career since she was a little girl. Accompanying her, still a girl, in festivals, programs and contests. Her mother, Cristina de Melo, was also always present in her life, as her main guide.
Gizele started her artistic career early. Multi-artist, to be exact. She traveled the world. She met all of Europe. She scored her talent at every spot she visited.
She worked as a model, being published in several magazines and newspapers. From national to international. Of great beauty, she enchanted with each new test done. Thus, she participated in Miss Pernambuco, in 2015. She also paraded in local contests.
She has published several books of poetry and romance. Among them, Lua Pedra que Flutua, Rios D`Água, Pedra do Sol, One Minute is a Long Time, The Signs, Mystery Beyond Death, among others. Part of them, also having their versions in English. In addition to her own works, she participated in books by other authors.
The author had her poetry books signed by her friend and writer, Ariano Suassuna, who admired her so much. She has also been recognized by many famous artists and writers. His poetry books were sponsored by Faculdade Maurício de Nassau, by the founder and friend, Janguiê Diniz. Billionaire businessman, cover of Forbes.
Gizele, today, is part of the Pernambucana Academy of Letters, the APL.
As an actress, she appeared in productions that were screened at festivals in Brazil and around the world. She also recorded music albums, and ventured into painting, demonstrating the strong artistic streak in her soul.
Graduated in journalism from Uninassau, she worked in television. She presented journalistic programs on Brazilian broadcasters. She was also interviewed in so many others. In New York, she was part of programs with presenter Roberto Trevisan. She is also a constant presence on the radio.
In addition to journalism, she studied philosophy at the Federal University of Pernambuco. She also collects other formations and positions. On September 22, 2022, she graduated from Fire Department Health, United States, FDNY Fire Department EMT. Still there, she studied several other courses, many in the health area, where she also started her career.
Within politics, she continued with various social projects. She was a delegate of the Bairro and União dos Estudantes, participating in several movements in Brasilia. She participated in several social causes, in Brooklyn, for Founder Ben Dicostanzo's Feed the Community and the Homeless Foundation.
She was appointed by Founder, Engineer and CEO, Simon Evans, as Director of Marketing for Stabilice Frozen Foundation Systems Alaska Ak, a prestigious US billion dollar company.
The author of over nine books, she continues to write. Several short stories, novels and soap operas, which will be published soon. Her books can be found online through Amazon.
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@gizele_.tavares IG

2023 USA 

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